Friday, January 7, 2011

House Goals from the Peak Oil Princess

I read Nesting Place  (she's having a linky party about home goals for the new year) periodically because I enjoy reading about projects on the cheap that actually look good.  My own home is just not so 'together' . I'd like it to be but I have some different interests and priorities than 'normal' people. I get excited about wood cook stoves and grain bins, pull down drying racks and compost containers. Of course I want my house to be lovely but I'm really wanting it to 'work'- even when the power is out or the power is just too expensive. My taste runs less to Architectural Digest and more towards Backwoods Home.  I drool over the kitchen at Granny Miller (but my trim would be painted a nice deep delft blue. Or maybe turquoise...

That said, I now need to turn my house into a lovely, polished, decidedly upscale showplace in the next 90 days on virtually no budget so that it is ready to list and sell quickly at a good price.

We need to:

Replace the flooring through the main dining area
Re-do and paint all the trim and doors upstairs
Finish painting all the trim and doors downstairs
Replace the downstairs/ on stairs carpet
Replace the kitchen counters and sink/faucet
Rehab the cabinets
Put fresh paint on the walls
update some of the world's ugliest light fixtures
Do something about the sad, sad upstairs powder room
replace the front door
pressure wash the outside and re-seal the deck
Declutter ruthlessly
Stage and decorate

That last one is the one that worries me most. I am generally plagued with indecision. Hopefully I'll get it right so that we can sell out quickly to more genteel folks and get our little cabin built quickly!

The idea is that 2011 will become the year that sees us really, totally debt free. Praying that its so!


Laura said...

you can do this! be decisive and soldier on-I'll help anyway I can-even taking thing one and two for you :)

AKmamaOf7 said...

Me too. I can come over or just take the boys. Let's just make some plans so you can have an idea of what you will be doing on those days.